Euphony email not received

There are several instances when you will receive and email from Euphony:

  • Registration (either TRIAL or full registration) - access to the registration code will be received via email. Email subject will be: "euphony registration" 
  • Buying Euphony license - voucher code needed for registration will be received in an email. Email subject will be: "Euphony: Your voucher"
  • Notification of our responses to Tickets opened in our support system will arrive in an email. Email subject will contain ticket identification code, something like [#84C-M7T-GAD2] 

All emails will always come from:

If you do not receive an email from Euphony several minutes after your action, please make sure:

  • You used the correct email address
  • Your mailbox is not full
  • Check your Spam folder for messages from
  • *** Your email provider is not one of:,,

*** Listed email providers use an outdated (from 2010) spam-blocking IP-range list which includes IP address of our email server. This results in all our emails being blocked and never reaching your mailbox. These are the providers we have so far encountered having issues with our email server - it is possible other providers may have issues too.
If the email you are using belongs to one of those email providers, or you just never received our email, try using another email address: any big email provider like gmail, outlook, icloud will surely work. 

When you purchase a license via Paypal your email with voucher code will be sent to the email address associated with your Paypal account - make sure you know which email that is. If your Paypal email is the one from the above 'blocking' list, open a Ticket so we can send you the voucher directly (make sure that you use some other email account while opening a Ticket).  

When you register for Trial you can always fill out the form again - the system will tell you that you are already registered for Trial but an email will be sent anyway: to the email address you entered on that last registration form (although you may have used a different email when you first registered).

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Article details

Article ID: 31

Category: Trial

Date added: 24.01.2022 16:19

Views : 1421

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (10)


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