Registration process flow

The registration process requires a little back-and-forth between the Euphony application, Online Euphony Registration site and your email.

Here are the exact steps with the appropriate images attached at the end of the article:

  • Select "Registration" from the Main Menu: Registration dialog appears
  • Enter your information and enter 'TRIAL' for 30 days free trial registration or the actual voucher code you received in the email after buying your Euphony license. The email should arrive on the email address you provided
  • Click on the Registration code button link inside the email. The Browser page on the Euphony registration site should appear with your actual registration code in the input field. Click "Complete Registration" to be redirected to your Euphony application where the registration code will be automatically applied. If that does not work for some reason, click the 'Copy' button to copy the regcode to the clipboard and return to your browser tab with the Euphony application and Registration dialog opened, paste the code into the Registration code input field and click Register. Euphony machine must have internet access in order to fully confirm the validity of the entered regcode.

In short, the flow is this: Euphony web app Registration dialog -> Email -> Euphony Registration Site -> Euphony web app 

Please don't confuse the voucher code (8-character string which you receive in the email after buying a license and which has to be entered into the Registration form) and registration code (10-character string which has to be entered into the Registration dialog in the Euphony web app).

Your registration status is always visible at the bottom-right in Euphony web application.


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